Sunday School Calendar


Sunday School Calendar

Sunday School Calendar 2015-2016


Sept. 20- First day of classes

Sept.27-Lesson/ Share God’s Love

Oct. 4- Lesson /Adam and Eve

Oct. 11-Lesson /A Rich Man’s Questions

Oct. 18-Lesson/James and John

Oct.25-  Lesson/ Bartimaeus Sees-Trunk or Treat?

Nov. 1-Lesson-A message from God

Nov. 8-Lesson-A widow’s offering

Nov.15-Lesson-Be Ready

Nov.22-Lesson-Christ the King

Nov.29- Advent project/Advent wreaths

Dec.6-Pageant Practice/Zechariah

Dec.13- Pageant Practice/John the Baptist

Dec.20-Christmas pageant

Dec.27-Lesson/The boy at the temple

Jan.3-Lesson/Jesus is the Word

Jan.10-Lesson/Jesus Baptism

Jan.17- Koinonia weekend-Wedding at Cana

Jan 24-Lesson/Jesus goes to Nazareth

Jan 31-Lesson/Jeremiah

Feb.7-Lesson/The Disciples


Feb.21-Lesson/God Promises to Abraham

Feb.28-Lesson/Parable of the Fig Tree

Mar.6-Lesson/The Prodigal Son

Mar.13-Lesson/Mary Anoints Jesus

Mar.20- Easter Sunday/No classes-Brunch

Mar.27-Lesson/The Empty Tomb

Apr.3-Lesson/Doubting Thomas

Apr.10-Lesson/Saul to Paul

Apr.17-Lesson/Peter and Tabitha

Apr.24-Lesson/Peter’s Dream

May 1-Lesson/Lydia

May 8- No classes/Mother’s Day Brunch

May 15-Lesson/The Holy Spirit

May22-Lesson/Praise God

May 29- Special project

June 5- Last Day of Class