The Lutheran Church of the Resurrection | NY


    Parsonage Picnic - September 20th - 4pm to 7pm


    Join us for the 5th annual parsonage picnic. The tube-meat we served last year was such a hit that we will be reprising the theme again. We will have hotdogs and some brats, but if you have another favorite kind of "tube-meat" please...

      Gods Work Our Hands Sunday


      “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — This is a day of service in our community and within our church. Join us as we get involved in various community service...

        Vacation Bible School


        This summer, we invite your child to participate in Hometown Nazareth, a week long camp-style program where we will travel back into the bible and explore how Jesus grew up. VBS will run from August 24th-28th from 9am to 11:30am daily. The...

          Pound Party


          You are invited to a lively evening of fellowship on Saturday, June 13th at 6pm. Appetizers, dinner and dessert for $10 per person. Bring a wrapped gift weighing about 1 pound. The gift can be anything, be creative! All proceeds will...

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